Cheng Man Ching Push Hands

Cheng Man Ching (1902 – 1975) “Pushes Hands” with several of his students in this film that was taken in New York City during the early 1970′s. We can imagine what it must have been like to be in one of Cheng’s classes, learning push hands from him and trying our skills on the master!

Cheng Man Ching learned Yang style Tai Chi Chuan from the famous Yang Cheng Fu. After spending some time with Yang Cheng Fu, Chen began teaching Tai Chi Chuan. At first he taught the Long Form of the Yang style Tai Chi Chuan, and later he developed his “Short Form” of Yang style Tai Chi Chuan which he is known for, which consisted of 37 movements.

Cheng moved from Mainland China in 1949 to Taiwan. There he taught his shortened form of Tai Chi Chuan to many students. Cheng Man Ching moved to United States in 1964 where he opened up a school for Tai Chi Chuan in New York City.

Click on the image bleow to check out the book by Cheng Man Ching. It is a must-read for the novice and the serious student of Tai Chi Chuan! This book is Cheng Man Ching’s original classic on his 37 Movement Short Form!

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  1. Szkoda , że nie może się przebić w MMA , karate , boksie czy gdziekolwiek indziej gdzie naprawdę ktoś zadaje ciosy. Żenujacy pierdoła

  2. I remember Marion telling me about this technique when I stayed with her in Maui

  3. Es muy bueno aprender tecnicas de otros países, me gustaría aprender más, agradezco a los responsables.

  4. I watched professor do this in ny in 72 .

  5. me gusta muchio taichi

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