Chen Zhenglei Performs Chen Tai Chi Spear

Chen Zhenglei demonstrates the Spear form of Chen Family’s Tai Chi Chuan. Chen Zhenglei is a 19th Generation master, and also an 11th generation direct-line inheritor of the Chen Family Tai Chi Chuan. When he was eight years old Chen Zhenglei began his training in Tai Chi Chuan from his uncle Chen Zhaopi, and later from his other uncle, Chen Zhaokui.

Chen Zhenglei started teaching his family’s Tai Chi Chuan in 1972. He has taught Tai Chi enthusiasts from all over the world, teaching in China as well as traveling to other countries. Chen Zhenglei has done much to help spread and preserve the art of Chen Family Tai Chi Chuan. He has produced a number of instructional DVDs as well as writing several books on Tai Chi.

Click on the image below for an excellent instructional DVD on the Spear of the Chen style of Tai Chi Chuan featuring Chen Zhenglei.

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