Fu Shengyuan performs the Saber form of the traditional Yang style of Tai Chi Chuan. Fu is a 5th generation lineage master of the Yang family Tai Chi Chuan. His father, Fu Zhong Wen, was a senior disciple of Yang Cheng Fu, and a member of the Yang Family by marriage.
Fu Shengyuan started learning the Yang family style of Tai Chi Chuan at the early age of nine years old from his father Fu Zhongwen. He has trained hard to carry on the traditions of his father, and the generations of Yang family masters before him. travelling around the globe, Fu Shenyuan teaches seminars and workshops, and has students with schools in Countries such as the United States, England, Australia, and India.
Click on the image below to see more about this instructional DVD on the Yang style Ta Chi Ssber. The son of Fu Shengyuan, (James) Fu Qing Quan, teaches the Yang Family Saber (Broadsword) which he performs in this video. A great reference for those wanting to learn more about this Tai Chi Saber Form!
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