James Fu Qing Quan demonstrates superb quality in the 51-Movement Sword Form from the traditional Yang style of Tai Chi Chuan.
(James) Fu Qing Quan is a 6th generation master of the Yang family Tai Chi Chuan. He is the son of Fu Sheng Yuan and grandson of the famous Fu Zhongwen. Fu Qing Quan had the opportunity to be trained by his grandfather Fu Zhongwen from an early age and his movement in his Tai Chi reflects this influence. He continues to spread the teachings of the Yang family Tai Chi Chuan around the world on his own and assisting his father, Fu Sheng Yuan, on trips for training seminars.
Check out this great book written by Fu Zhongwen, the famous grandfather of Fu Qing Quan! Fu Zhongwen was a top disciple of Yang Cheng Fu, and explains many important points in this book translated by Louis Swaim. Click on the image below to se more about this must have book for the Yang style practitioner of Tai Chi Chuan.
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I practice a Yang style sword form taught by students of Cheng Man-ch’ing.
The best.
this sword routine is taught in our school to advanced students.. this routine is practiced by me everyday..
Wonderful what a great man
Ahhhh….the sword.