Fu Zhongwen (1903-1994) performs the 2nd part of the Long Form of the Traditional Yang style of Tai Chi Chuan. Fu was a senior student of the famous Tai Chi master Yang Cheng Fu. Fu Zhongwen studied with Yang form many years until the death of Yang Cheng Fu. After the death of Yang, Fu Zhongwen carried on the teachings of the style just as it was taught to him by his teacher.
Watch Fu Zhongwen Demonstrates Yang Tai Chi Form – Part 1
Fu Zhongwen devoted his life to practicing and teaching the art of Yang style Tai Chi Chuan. He was known as one of the One Hundred Living Treasures of China by the government of China. His son, Fu Shengyuan, and grandson, James Fu Qingquan continue to carry on the traditions of Tai Chi Chuan that Fu Zhongwen had learned from the Yang family.
Check out this amazing DVD that shows the 85 movements of the Yang style of Tai chi Chuan and their usage. Performed by 3 generations of the Fu family of Yang Tai Chi Chuan.
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