Ma Yueh Liang – 1984 Tai Chi Masters Demonstration

Ma Yeah Liang (1901–1998) demonstrates the the Sword form from the traditional Wu style of Tai Chi Chuan. The demonstration was part of the opening ceremony of the First International Tai Chi Chuan Competition held during April of 1984 in Wuhan, China.

Ma Yueh Liang began training in the Wu Family style of Tai Chi Chuan at the age of 18 years old from the famous master Wu Chien Chuan. After years of dedicated practice, he later was to become one of Wu’s most senior disciples.

In 1930, Ma Yueh Liang married Wu Ying Hua, who was the daughter of Wu Chien Chuan. She was also proficient in the Wu family art, learning Tai Chi from a young age from her father. Together, both Ma Yueh Liang and Wu Ying Hua taught the Wu style of Tai Chi Chuan for many years, even well into their later years!

Below is the book on Wu style of Tai Chi Chuan by Dr. Zen Wee features Tai Chi history, forms, pushing hands, amongst other material. Click on the image below to see more.

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